For some time now, I had been studying the life cycle of a butterfly 🦋.
It is one of those things that remind me of the awesome simplicity, though complex, and breathtaking dynamics of nature.
It is beyond me how a God so ginormous could design and create something so fragile. It always blows my mind.
Anyways, I was studying the life cycle and the many phases, four precisely, the butterfly has to go through and it reminded me of me, you and humans at large.
The four stages of the evolution of this fragilely awesome creation are:
Butterfly 🦋
How it goes through this process is no doubt amazing, but what is most striking is what it has to go through to become what it has been created to be.
I have often heard two things which I'll be hinging this write up on.
➡ Firstly, "Expectation shows up in behavior" (Les Brown)
➡ Secondly, "The reason why most people won’t get to where they ought to is because they are too attached to who they have been" (Lisa Nichols)
You see, for the butterfly it’s first two (2) stages are not within its control.
☒ As an egg for instance, it has no say as to whether it would be born or not.
☒ At the Lava stage, the one thing it knows how to do and needs to do is to eat, till it grows to its desired size & length.
The pupa stage is the most decisive stage and it's where this write up seeks to dwell on because that is where we miss it..
According to
The metamorphosisfrom a caterpillar into a butterflyoccurs during the pupa stage. During this stage, the caterpillar’s old body dies and a new body forms inside a protective shell known as a chrysalis

Let me say at this point that if you're okay with the level your life is at now and the result you're getting, then by all means, you can stop reading this article.
But if you have ever struggled like I have, and we all do, to become that person you know deep within you can become, then this might just be the reason you're flunking it.
The young caterpillar in its attempt to become that beautiful masterpiece first does away with its old body (you should watch this process on YouTube, it's amazing)
What is your old body?
What is that thing, that relationship, that bad habit, that obsession that is keeping you from earning your wings?
When they say you can't eat your cake and have it, this is what it means to me.
You can’t expect to live, breathe and exist with the past or something that isn’t working & expect the best of what the future holds. NEVER!! It’s like driving while looking at your rear mirror. We all know what happens.
Because expectation shows up in behavior and the little caterpillar expects to become a butterfly, it takes the necessary action,and begins to behave in a way consistent with the requirements of its transformation.
So you want to be amongst the top 1% in your industry? The question I have for you is this ; "Is your behavior in consistency with that of someone expecting to be amongst the top 1%? “
For instance, I expect to become a bestselling author, my pattern of behaviour which includes writing everyday, is a reflection of my expectation.
If you're expecting something or to be someone, you've got to start matching your actions with the requirements.
➡ Wake up early,
➡ Train hard,
➡ Brainstorm,
Do what you need to do, so you can get there. GET RID OF WHATEVER IS STOPPING YOU!!!
Now that you've shed your old skin, what next...

➡ You go to work on your self..
While some people think of cocoons as a resting place, there's no resting going on inside the cocoon! To the contrary, there's a lot of activity. Inside the cocoon and the chrysalis, the caterpillar is transforming into a new creature. This requires that the old caterpillar body be broken down and turned into something new. Think of it as insect recycling!
For a new you to emerge and earn your wings, you must get your hands dirty with yourself.
➡ What are those toxic behaviors you need to do away with,
➡ what are those habits that need to be replaced.
➡ What do you need to be doing on a daily bases to become that man or that woman?
We all must enter into our own dark cocoons alone. And yes it not a pretty experienced, but it is a much needed one.
It is lonely,
it is demanding,
it is scary as can be,
it demands discipline,
It requires fortitude & grit,
you must learn to set goals,
cultivate the art of keeping your promises to yourself (Personal Integrity),
tune out the critics,
do a swot analysis by taking inventory of your strengths, and honing down on them to make them 5 star 🌟.
When you have sacrificed, then you get to come out of that dark cocoon, emerging from behind the hills and have everyone wondering what the heck happened to you?(in a good way though)
Like the butterfly spreading it wings wide, taking to flight and while everyone admires its colours, without any clue of what it had to do to become its true self.
The conclusion I came to is this : even though it is born as a butterfly, it doesn't get its wings on a platter of gold, it has to work for it and earn it.

Even if you're destined for greatness and you have been embedded with the potential of a global icon, you have to earn and work for it.
Do away with every form of entitlement mentality, and embrace the process.
On a lighter note. "If the butterfly understands the concept of paying a price, shouldn't you?"

These write ups are borne out of a deep conversations with my NoOrdinary self. I would really love to hear your thoughts.
Check out my IG & Twitter page @noordinaryeyitemi to see more of my NoOrdinary Life.
Thank you for reading


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