In the course of my little but full lifetime, I have failed at so many things. On a regular day, this shouldn't be something I should be able to whisper let alone talk about. (at least that is what society says) but since we're all about #NoOrdinaryConversations, what the heck. I'll blab away... 😊 They say you're only able to connect the dots in retrospect, and looking back at the few, but many years I've spent on planet earth, my dots are quite many. You see, right from when I could remember, I had always wanted to try my hands at a gazillion things. If I wasn't drawing a dress, I was writing some story or article (like what you're currently reading), publishing a magazine or like my recent stunt, attending culinary school. My first 'failure' occurred while I was yet in the university. I had successfully published my first 'dream' magazine, but was unable to continue because I was unable to sell the entirety of the fi...
I watched for the umpteenth time that which I had watched before, 'Kung-fu panda' 🐼 But last night it felt different. Before now it was just one of those really nice stories that my kids and I enjoyed watching . But last night, yesterday, I could relate with 'Po' the dragon Warrior in ways I never did as some powerful lessons hit me in the face. ➡ 'Po' did not become the dragon Warrior by chance. It was no accident. It was a deliberate yet unintentional act that got him there. For starters, did you know this panda 🐼 practiced the 'Law of attraction’? And had a 'vision board’? 😱. Yes I was shocked too. You see all his life, he had dreamed of kung-fu, and being a part of the ' furious five' (tigress, monkey, Viper, Mantis, Crane) protectors of the valley. He dreamt about it when he slept, talked about it when with people or alone. Since we become what we think about, this panda had no idea he was on the path to becoming what he dwel...
For a long time coming, I had tried and failed repeatedly to achieve certain goals I set for myself. New year's day were my most inspired day to start again. I somehow assumed that it would be better than the last one. When that failed, and it always did, I waited for my birthday which also happens to be in the month of January. When that failed again, I'd look out for the first day in the month, or significant celebratory days like Easter, Christmas and so on. But round and round I went, achieving nothing but frustration. First I thought the problem was with my will power. "if only my resolve could be stronger" I would say to myself. But the stronger my will, the harder I fell, the more depressed it made me. "People were doing it, why couldn't I" I would think to myself again. I asked myself many troubling questions 🙋🏾 were other people better than I was? 🙋🏾 was I destined to fail? 🙋🏾 am I simply just too la...
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