I watched for the umpteenth time that which I had watched before, 'Kung-fu panda' 🐼
But last night it felt different.
Before now it was just one of those really nice stories that my kids and I enjoyed watching . But last night, yesterday, I could relate with 'Po' the dragon Warrior in ways I never did as some powerful lessons hit me in the face.
➡ 'Po' did not become the dragon Warrior by chance. It was no accident. It was a deliberate yet unintentional act that got him there.
For starters, did you know this panda 🐼 practiced the 'Law of attraction’? And had a 'vision board’? 😱. Yes I was shocked too. You see all his life, he had dreamed of kung-fu, and being a part of the ' furious five' (tigress, monkey, Viper, Mantis, Crane) protectors of the valley.
He dreamt about it when he slept, talked about it when with people or alone. Since we become what we think about, this panda had no idea he was on the path to becoming what he dwelt on. (law of attraction)
He woke up every morning to converse and look at the action figures of the 'five' which were displayed on his window. And whenever he had a conversation with them (the action figures) his neighbor a pig 🐽 thought he was weird. (vision boarding)
But you see, that right there is the '1st lesson' High achievers are not normal people. They are non- conformist who seem to go in the opposite direction, do the uncommon, and unusual so they can get the results they desire.
➡ You don't have to be certified to qualify.
You see once this panda was chosen as the dragon Warrior, everyone complained he didn't fit the bill. His supposed master, tigress 🐯 a member of the five whom he deeply revered and many others. He was fat, flabby, out of shape, and did not even know the a, b, c of kung-fu. Yet he was chosen. The reason becomes obvious in later episodes. But It's just like Les Brown shared in his story.
The first time he heard Zig Ziglar speak, he thought to himself that he had what it takes to do that, become a motivational speaker. However on his way home, that little voice of doubt set in; asking if he had the prerequisite qualifications, experience or network to become a motivational speaker. The rest my friend is history because today Les Brown rocks my world and that of many others every time he opens his mouth. Learn to give yourself a chance.
➡ Have a compelling why.
There are many things we want to do and sometimes we mange to get it started. Unfortunately we lack the staying power to keep it going. Why is that you ask? It’s because we don’t have a strong enough why?
When you set goals for yourself or are in pursuit of a dream, you need a compelling why to stay on track.
For those times when the results are not forthcoming,
For those times when you feel like you have hit a brick wall,
For those times when nobody believes in you,
You need a compelling why.
In kung-fu panda 🐼, Po was told he didn't fit the bill, he didn't belong with the 'five', and that he would never become the dragon Warrior, yet he stayed. Not because the insults didn't get to him, but because he couldn't bear going back to being ordinary, no one, purposeless. His why kept him on track.
➡ Believe in you.
Until this 'fat, flabby, inexperienced' panda 🐼 came to believe in himself, he could not fulfill his destiny as the dragon Warrior. You must believe that you have what it takes to deliver, attain, excel, shine become whoever you want to be..
I could go on & on about the many ways I see myself in this panda, but I'll sum it up this way.
  • Life is not a once size fits all kind of pant. You must learn to demand for what’s yours and don’t let anyone steal what belongs to you.
  • Don't allow anyone distract you from your path, dreams, goals, vision. The critics would shut up once the proof starts to show
  • Don't worry about who believes in you or doesn't. The highest validation you need comes from God & you.
So yes, I am that panda because even though nobody sees it, unlimited power & greatness lies beneath me.
Are you one too?
NoOrdinary Eyitemi is a Blogger & Podcaster whois passionate about helping women become more productive via effective goal setting and getting.
IG: @noordinarylife
🐦 : @noordinaryeyi


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