How often do you go to a restaurant and you're asked to pay for your meal before it is served?
Maybe a few restaurants , a fast food probably, but that is not the industry everyday standard you and I know. The standard is that we eat, get our bills, and pay for what we have consumed. Well I'd like to tell you that is the only place where the benefit of paying after getting value is extended to you and I. Okay probably with PHCN (Power Holding Coporation of Nigeria) if your electricity bill is post paid.
But In general when it comes to life, the reverse is the case. Sadly, this is what many of us expect or desire from life.
  • We want to enjoy the rich things of life without putting down a dime,
  • We want to achieve success in various areas of life without going through the cocoon of hard work,
  • We want to be the first, the best, the most and the only in our craft, even yet we refuse to make any form of sacrifice.
Anyone who has expectations like I mentioned in any of the above is simply having wishful thinking & I'd recommend that while they are at it, they purchase a genie's lamp to grant three (3) of their most desired wishes. If that ever happens ☺
A saying by Les Brown has been tattooed on my memory, it says "You don't get from life what you want, you get from life what you are".
It took me sometime to fully understand what he really meant. but after mulling over that statement continously, it struck me and finally made some sense to me. Let me break it down for you.
What we want are the things are heart desires to enable us live a good life. It could be
a good job,
a certain bank account balance,
luxury cars,
beautiful furnished mansions,
a better health,
a beautiful spouse,
the ability to afford any vacation we choose and many more.....
Now these things are all fine because It is perfectly okay to love material things and want the good life, I do too.
However what is not right is wanting it without putting in the amount of work to get the desired result.
Life isn’t santa-claus πŸŽ… that gives you what you want simply because you have been good, or you wrote it down or merely desired it.
Life honors who we are or who we become in the process of working towards our goals.
Look at this analogy, to have money, I must become someone who has
financial literacy,
understands the power of investing & saving, understands that money is simply a by-product of an idea that generates value.
The moment I become this kind of person, then life has no choice to deliver wealth & riches to me. LIFE DOES NOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT, BUT WHAT YOU ARE.
Take another example, if I want a great body with sexy abs and a well shaped booty to match πŸ˜‰ ; I won't get it just because I would like to have it. Almost everyone likes it too.
I would have to become someone who trains hard, exercises, eats healthy, does a number of squats, and understands that the more I work the muscles in the area I want to see a change, the closer I get to my desired results.
The moment I become that person, life hands over to me my sexy abs, with some booty of life to match. So you see again, LIFE DOESN'T GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT BUT WHAT YOU ARE.
I sincerely hope this concept is clear to you, just as it to me, a truth which changed my paradigm like no other. To have or get anything from life, we must first become.
It is either you're willing to make sacrificea for what you want, or what you want becomes the sacrifice. Either way, you must pay.
Despite the magnanimity of the food industry, you what happens if you finish sh eating and you're unable to pay the bills, you go wash plate tire πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
The thought I want to leave you with is this: are you deserving of what you want from life, just by who you are? Or do you need to start the process of becoming, in order to get what you want ?
This piece was written by my me, NoOrdinary Eyitemi (Eyitemi Adebowale) a writer, blogger, Podcaster, Goal Setting Expert & Transformational Coach who has embraced her assignment of using the power of information to take you from living below average to living the NoOrdinary Life.
Find me on social media to see everything else I am all about.
Instagram @noordinaryeyitemi
Twitter: @noordinaryeyi


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